
On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 08:40:27AM +0100, Andrea Gabellini wrote:
> Hi,
> I changed the MX record of my domain one month ago with a new sendmail with 
> MD, but a very large portion of spam continue to arrive directly to the old 
> sendmail (that hold the mailboxes of the domain).

=> Seen that too. Seems that the spammers do not rely on DNS for sending
their crap (it makes sense : DNS MX lookups can take some time and delay massive
mailing) and have a kind of domain <--> mailserver database.  

> Looking at the received headers show that the spammer send directly to the 
> server, so there is only one header.

=> How about just use another IP for this server and make sure the old IP is no
longer used.

> Is it possible to block this kind of mail directly with sendmail? I can't 
> install MD on this.


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