On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 08:40:27 +0100, Andrea Gabellini wrote:

>  Looking at the received headers show that the spammer send
>  directly to the server, so there is only one header.

That doesn't suprise me. I would also expect a few connections from worms/scanners 
that simply scan the net for open SMTP servers.

>  Is it possible to block this kind of mail directly with sendmail?

You should be able to tell sendmail only to accept connections from specific 
addresses. The sendmail docs should have this info hidden somewhere.

OTH, typically a server that's not supposed to get connections from the net in general 
should be behind a firewall, and if it's behind a firewall you should simply block 
traffic you don't whant before it ever reaches the server.

Jonas Eckerman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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