On Fri, 02 Apr 2004 12:52:46 +0100
Paul Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK, here's my code (attached) as it stands at the moment, with some instructions
> and comments below.
Hi Paul, thanks for the code!!

After getting around my lack of knowledge with cgi scripts in apache, I've got it 
going. I'd always wondered how I should go about cleaning up the quarantine 

The only thing I had to do (other than the mail server names and associated email 
addresses as you specified) was to change the quarantine directory to 
/var/spool/MIMEDefang as the Debian Sarge packages change these from the defaults.

I've also had to do some very specific permission changes as the UNIX socket files are 
also placed into this directory, and changing the perm's on them gives the old unsafe 
socket error with sendmail.

I do have one problem, and I've tried my darndest not to bother you with the query, 
but I'm stuck.

When clicking the quarantine folder link, I get this error:

Unable to open directory /var/spool/MIMEDefang/qdir-2004-02-24-17.20.39-001 at 
/usr/lib/cgi-bin/quar_display.pl line 110.

The permissions on all the qdir folders are:

dr--rwx---    2 defang   www-data     4096 Apr  3 11:46 qdir-2004-04-03-11.46.08-001

Please tell me if I'm doing something stupid, and if you don't have time to look at 
this, I'll certainly understand as this has been done off your own bat and you're 
doing your best just to do us all a favour  :-)

Thanks again Paul,

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