On Mon, 05 Apr 2004 14:20:58 +0100
Paul Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Pete,
> Excellent, thanks for the update.  If you find any problems with the system, or
> have any requests for additional features, let me know - I've started a list,
> and will implement some/all of them eventually.  All I would count out at the
> moment is displaying the decoded attachments, as this is likely to cause
> security issues, as you'd expect.  Updating the display program to limit the
> size of the ENTIRE_MESSAGE section is high on my list...
> Best Wishes,
> Paul.
> __________________________________________________

No worries Paul.

The only thing I can imagine doing at the moment would be to reduce the font size so 
more fits on the screen, and maybe adding a return link so that after you empty the 
quarantine, it's a bit easier to return to the main quarantine page. Other than that, 
it seems to do what I need it to.

Security issues aren't a problem here as it's a home mail server, so there's only 5 
email accounts, all of which I'm sort of in control of.

Thanks again Paul,

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