We recently upgraded from HPUX 11.00 to HPUX 11i and just started
getting error messages :
Apr  5 11:21:28 acad mimedefang[21024]: Could not create mdefang directory in 
/var/spool/MIMEDefang: File exists
We are running a pretty old (2.16) version of Mimedefang in 
non multiplexor mode but it worked fine before this.  It's a production
machine and I'm reluctant to try out new version at this critical time
in the school year.
We also had a situation where the same mail message was delivered 
(only to some receipients) 15-20 times.  I'm not sure these two errors
are related.
The above situation seem to be associated with the following log:
Mar 31 18:25:24 acad sendmail[6522]: i2VKNS80006771: to=aarmstr3,mmcgee .... 
wmolina , delay=04:01:56, xdelay=00:03:19, mailer=local, pri=3482529, dsn=4.0.0, 
stat=Deferred: local mailer (/usr/bin/rmail) exited with EX_TEMPFAIL
Any ideas?
Ray Spinhirne
St. Edward's University
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