On Mon, 5 Apr 2004, Ray Spinhirne wrote:

> Apr 5 11:21:28 acad mimedefang[21024]: Could not create mdefang
> directory in /var/spool/MIMEDefang: File exists

> We are running a pretty old (2.16) version of Mimedefang in
> non multiplexor mode but it worked fine before this.  It's a production
> machine and I'm reluctant to try out new version at this critical time
> in the school year.

You should upgrade!  2.16 is old, and fairly buggy.  Perhaps you could
try a cheap Linux box as a drop-in filtering machine first?  Even
a low-end PC could outperform an HP-UX box if the PC uses the multiplexor
and the HP-UX box doesn't. :-)


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