Now you just need to add a signed peer2peer networking scheme so that 
you can share that info with hosts that are also on the network and then 
4. profit. 

On Thu, 8 Apr 2004, Ben Kamen wrote:

>Boy, as I sit here and watch the spammers try to
>A: use me as a relay (same IP, multiple tries)
>B: scan for usernames
>C: try and deliver to bogus names I've used on the net
>I would love to have a hook in mimedefang to auto-blackhole these 
>IP's... kinda like the greylisting where the entry times out after a 
>while.. but after so many misses, the IP gets null-routed...
>I know there's probably ways to do this.. I'd just have to sit down and 
>do it.. but don't have the time...
>But don't you guys and gals get mad when you see some pathetic loser try 
>and bash the doors down to your mail server??
>Yeesh. I'd like to rub the nose of my local legislative reps in this 
>But - enough ranting.
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Stephen John Smoogen            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Los Alamos National Lab  CCN-5 Sched 5/40  PH: 4-0645
Ta-03 SM-1498 MailStop B255 DP 10S  Los Alamos, NM 87545
-- You should consider any operational computer to be a security problem --
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