I called Ameritech when someone was trying to hack sendmail on my server and they did absolutely -0-. Nothing. Nada. Zippo.. the Big Zed.

They don't care.
They don't know enough to care.

I complained to the Illinois Commerce Commission. They actually wrote back saying SBC/Ameritech tried contacting me. They did not.

so I called back the ICC about 6 times and left messages for the person who wrote me the letter... they never called/wrote back. It's just a big show.


Scott Harris wrote:

I'm drifting further off topic here, but I've recently been wondering the same question "Who can I call?" I recently installed an IDS and the unbelievable number of things that are trying to get in, scan, virus, trojans, etc. is unbelievable. I really wish there were someone to call
and complain.

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