On Mon, 12 Apr 2004 09:12:01 -0500
Mike Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When trying to use the new v1.2 quarantine management files there seems 
> to be some syntax errors. I was getting errors in my apache error_log 
> file and when I run 'perl -c quarantine.pl' I get the following errors:
> Now none of these prevent the script from running but everytime I access 
> the file from the web browser I get similar errors in the error_log file.
> -- 
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Mike Campbell

Whilst I probably can't really help much, I will just say that I copied and pasted 
both the files directly from the mail message to the files via ssh onto my mail server.

The only thing I did was change the mailing addresses to appropriate ones to my 
network, adjusted the mail server names as required, and that was that (other than 
make the files executable of course).

Worked right from the word go for me after I adjusted mimedefang to quarantine to a 
separate directory... maybe you missed copying a bracket or edited too much perhaps? 
Just a thought...


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