On Wed, 14 Apr 2004, Ken Morley wrote:

> I would like to automatically save samples of spam and ham in a directory
> the SA/MIMEDefang server.
> Specifically, when SA/MIMEDefang encounters a message with a score less
> 0.5, I would like to save a copy in /etc/mail/spamassassin/corpus/ham.
> the score is above 6.0, I would like to save a copy in
> /etc/mail/spamassassin/corpus/spam.  In both cases, I would let the
> message continue to be processed as usual (ie: sent to the user, etc.).

Thanks for the great suggestion, Jeffrey.

I added the following to sub filter_end() in mimedefang-filter:
            # Modification to bcc known HAM/SPAM to appropriate corpus
            # Sendmail aliases file controls path to local file

                add_recipient('[EMAIL PROTECTED]') if ($hits <=
            add_recipient('[EMAIL PROTECTED]') if ($hits >= 6);

I added the following to aliases:
                local-ham-archive:      /etc/mail/spamassassin/corpus/ham
                local-spam-archive:     /etc/mail/spamassassin/corpus/spam

This works as I requested (be careful what you wish for), but it puts all
spams in a single file called "spam".  I was hoping to build a corpus of
seperate files named with the message ID or some other unique identifier.
That would let me maintain a "current" corpus, by automatically deleting
older files, etc.  Also, I don't know whether sa-learn will work with
multiple messages in a single file.  Finally, I would prefer the message get
saved without the SpamAssassin.txt attachment - this method includes

Any other ideas?

Thanks again for your suggestions!

Ken Morley

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