Ken Morley wrote:

On Wed, 14 Apr 2004, Ken Morley wrote:

I added the following to aliases: local-ham-archive: /etc/mail/spamassassin/corpus/ham local-spam-archive: /etc/mail/spamassassin/corpus/spam

This works as I requested (be careful what you wish for), but it puts all spams in a single file called "spam". I was hoping to build a corpus of seperate files named with the message ID or some other unique identifier. That would let me maintain a "current" corpus, by automatically deleting older files, etc. Also, I don't know whether sa-learn will work with multiple messages in a single file. Finally, I would prefer the message get saved without the SpamAssassin.txt attachment - this method includes everything.

Any other ideas?


Assuming you are using sendmail for your MTA and procmail for delivery, there is a very easy way to accomplish this. First you will need to create a dummy account to collect messages, say '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'. Then you will edit your ~collector/.procmailrc file as follows:

#-- Top of .procmailrc --

# Store HAM

# Store SPAM

# Dump all other messages
#-- End of .procmailrc --

Please note the trailing slash (/) on the paths above. The trailing slash is necessary for procmail to deliver the messages in Maildir format instead of mbox format.

This will allow all messages sent to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to be delivered into ~collector/corpus/ham and messages sent to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' into ~collector/corpus/spam with the added feature of splitting the messages for you.

Your alias file can then be changed as follows:
                       local-ham-archive: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       local-spam-archive: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Of course, you could send directly to the addresses rather than the aliases if you prefer.

Maildir format creates a 'cur', 'new', and 'tmp' directory under the top level directory. This is part of the protocol, so you may hve to look in any or all of these directories for messages. However, each file (an any directory) will be a single message that has been delivered to this account

If you want to pipe the message directly into SpamAssassin without human intervention, there are procmail rules to help do that as well. However, I will leave that as an excercise for others to complete.

Hopefully this is in line with what you are looking for.

Doug Brott

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