COntinued from previos message (why is send and attach so close in
> Finally this was done on that comes with Debian Unstable:
> 2.42-1

Attached is the patch.


Stewart James
--- /usr/bin/	2004-05-04 19:46:41.000000000 +1000
+++	2004-05-12 10:47:03.000000000 +1000
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 	    $ClamdSock $SophieSock $TrophieSock
 	    $SuspiciousCharsInBody $Helo
-	    $TerminateAndDiscard $URL $OpenAVHost $VirusName $CurrentVirusScannerMessage
+	    $TerminateAndDiscard $URL $OpenAVHost $VirusName $VirusScanner $CurrentVirusScannerMessage
 	    $VirusScannerMessages $WarningLocation $WasMultiPart
 	    $CWD $FprotdHost
 	    $NotifySenderSubject $NotifyAdministratorSubject
@@ -2084,7 +2084,7 @@
 #  Scans the entity using the File::Scan module.
 sub entity_contains_virus_filescan ($) {
+    $VirusScanner = "FileScan";
     unless ($Features{"Virus:FileScan"}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: Attempt to use File::Scan, but File::Scan is not installed.");
 	return (wantarray ? (1, 'not-installed', 'tempfail') : 1);
@@ -2149,6 +2149,7 @@
 #  Scans the working directory using File::Scan module.
 sub message_contains_virus_filescan () {
+    $VirusScanner = "FileScan";
     unless ($Features{"Virus:FileScan"}) {
 	md_syslog('err', '$MsgID: Attempt to use File::Scan, but File::Scan is not installed.');
@@ -2209,6 +2210,7 @@
 #  Runs the NAI Virus Scan program on the entity. (
 sub entity_contains_virus_nai ($) {
+    $VirusScanner = "NAI";
     unless ($Features{'Virus:NAI'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: NAI Virus Scan not installed on this system");
@@ -2249,6 +2251,7 @@
 #  Runs the NAI Virus Scan program on the working directory
 sub message_contains_virus_nai () {
+    $VirusScanner = "NAI";
     unless ($Features{'Virus:NAI'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: NAI Virus Scan not installed on this system");
@@ -2330,6 +2333,7 @@
 #  Runs the Bitdefender program on the entity. (
 sub entity_contains_virus_bdc ($) {
+    $VirusScanner = "BDC";
     unless($Features{'Virus:BDC'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: Bitdefender not installed on this system");
@@ -2371,6 +2375,7 @@
 #  Runs the Bitdefender program on the working directory
 sub message_contains_virus_bdc () {
+    $VirusScanner = "BDC";
     unless($Features{'Virus:BDC'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: Bitdefender not installed on this system");
@@ -2409,6 +2414,7 @@
 #  Runs the F-Secure Anti-Virus program. (
 sub entity_contains_virus_fsav ($) {
+    $VirusScanner = "FSAV";
     unless($Features{'Virus:FSAV'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: F-Secure Anti-Virus not installed on this system");
@@ -2449,6 +2455,7 @@
 #  Runs the F-Secure Anti-Virus program on the working directory
 sub message_contains_virus_fsav () {
+    $VirusScanner = "FSAV";
     unless($Features{'Virus:FSAV'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: F-Secure Anti-Virus not installed on this system");
@@ -2665,6 +2672,7 @@
 #  Scans the entity using Symantec CarrierScan
 sub entity_contains_virus_carrier_scan ($;$) {
+    $VirusScanner = "Carrier";
     my($entity) = shift;
     my($host) = $CSSHost;
     $host = shift if (@_ > 0);
@@ -2689,6 +2697,7 @@
 #  Scans the entity using Symantec CarrierScan
 sub message_contains_virus_carrier_scan (;$) {
+    $VirusScanner = "Carrier";
     my($host) = $CSSHost;
     $host = shift if (@_ > 0);
     $host = '' if (!defined($host));
@@ -2906,6 +2915,7 @@
 #  the entity.
 sub entity_contains_virus_fprotd ($;$) {
+    $VirusScanner = "FPROTD";
     my ($entity) = shift;
     if (!defined($entity->bodyhandle)) {
@@ -2934,6 +2944,7 @@
 #  the entire message.
 sub message_contains_virus_fprotd (;$) {
+    $VirusScanner = "FProtD";
     return item_contains_virus_fprotd ("$CWD/Work", $_[0]);
@@ -2949,6 +2960,7 @@
 #  the entity.
 sub entity_contains_virus_openantivirus ($;$) {
+    $VirusScanner = "OpenAV";
     my ($entity) = shift;
     my ($host) = $OpenAVHost;
     $host = shift if (@_ > 0);
@@ -3003,6 +3015,7 @@
 #  the entire message.
 sub message_contains_virus_openantivirus (;$) {
+    $VirusScanner = "OpenAV";
     my ($host) = $OpenAVHost;
     $host = shift if (@_ > 0);
     $host = '' if (!defined($host));
@@ -3042,6 +3055,7 @@
 #  Runs the H+BEDV Antivir program on the entity. (
 sub entity_contains_virus_hbedv ($) {
+    $VirusScanner = "HBDEV";
     unless($Features{'Virus:HBEDV'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: H+BEDV not installed on this system");
@@ -3079,6 +3093,7 @@
 #  Runs the H+BEDV Antivir program on the working directory
 sub message_contains_virus_hbedv () {
+    $VirusScanner = "HBDEV";
     unless($Features{'Virus:HBEDV'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: H+BEDV not installed on this system");
@@ -3121,6 +3136,7 @@
 #  Runs the Vexira program on the entity. (
 sub entity_contains_virus_vexira ($) {
+    $VirusScanner = "VEXIRA";
     unless($Features{'Virus:VEXIRA'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: Vexira not installed on this system");
@@ -3158,6 +3174,7 @@
 #  Runs the Vexira program on the working directory
 sub message_contains_virus_vexira () {
+    $VirusScanner = "Vexira";
     unless($Features{'Virus:VEXIRA'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: Vexira not installed on this system");
@@ -3201,6 +3218,7 @@
 #  Runs the Sophos Sweep program on the entity.
 sub entity_contains_virus_sophos ($) {
+    $VirusScanner = "Sophos";
     unless($Features{'Virus:SOPHOS'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: Sophos Sweep not installed on this system");
@@ -3237,6 +3255,7 @@
 #  Runs the Sophos Sweep program on the working directory
 sub message_contains_virus_sophos () {
+    $VirusScanner = "Sophos";
     unless($Features{'Virus:SOPHOS'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: Sophos Sweep not installed on this system");
@@ -3287,6 +3306,7 @@
 #  Runs the clamav program on the entity.
 sub entity_contains_virus_clamav ($) {
+    $VirusScanner = "CLAMAV";
     unless ($Features{'Virus:CLAMAV'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: clamav not installed on this system");
 	return (wantarray ? (1, 'not-installed', 'tempfail') : 1);
@@ -3324,6 +3344,7 @@
 #  Runs the AVP AvpLinux program on the working directory
 sub message_contains_virus_clamav () {
+    $VirusScanner = "CLAMAV";
     unless ($Features{'Virus:CLAMAV'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: clamav not installed on this system");
 	return (wantarray ? (1, 'not-installed', 'tempfail') : 1);
@@ -3367,6 +3388,7 @@
 #  Runs the Kaspersky 5.x aveclient program on the entity.
 sub entity_contains_virus_avp5 ($) {
+    $VirusScanner = "AVP5";
     unless ($Features{'Virus:AVP5'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: Kaspersky aveclient not installed on this system");
 	return (wantarray ? (1, 'not-installed', 'tempfail') : 1);
@@ -3404,6 +3426,7 @@
 #  Runs the Kaspersky 5.x aveclient program on the working directory
 sub message_contains_virus_avp5 () {
+    $VirusScanner = "AVP5";
     unless ($Features{'Virus:AVP5'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: Kaspersky aveclient not installed on this system");
 	return (wantarray ? (1, 'not-installed', 'tempfail') : 1);
@@ -3472,6 +3495,7 @@
 #  Runs the AvpLinux program on the entity.
 sub entity_contains_virus_avp ($) {
+    $VirusScanner = "AVP";
     unless ($Features{'Virus:AVP'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: AVP AvpLinux not installed on this system");
@@ -3522,6 +3546,7 @@
 #  Runs the AVP AvpLinux program on the working directory
 sub message_contains_virus_avp () {
+    $VirusScanner = "AVP";
     unless ($Features{'Virus:AVP'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: AVP AvpLinux not installed on this system");
@@ -3601,6 +3626,7 @@
 #  Runs the F-PROT program on the entity. (
 sub entity_contains_virus_fprot ($) {
+    $VirusScanner = "FPROT";
     unless ($Features{'Virus:FPROT'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: F-RISK FPROT not installed on this system");
 	return (wantarray ? (1, 'not-installed', 'tempfail') : 1);
@@ -3640,6 +3666,7 @@
 #  Runs the F-RISK f-prot program on the working directory
 sub message_contains_virus_fprot () {
+    $VirusScanner = "FPROT";
     unless ($Features{'Virus:FPROT'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: F-RISK f-prot not installed on this system");
 	return (wantarray ? (1, 'not-installed', 'tempfail') : 1);
@@ -3707,6 +3734,7 @@
 #  Runs the vscan program on the entity.
 sub entity_contains_virus_trend ($) {
+    $VirusScanner = "TREND";
     unless ($Features{'Virus:TREND'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: TREND vscan not installed on this system");
 	return (wantarray ? (1, 'not-installed', 'tempfail') : 1);
@@ -3744,6 +3772,7 @@
 #  Runs the Trend vscan program on the working directory
 sub message_contains_virus_trend () {
+    $VirusScanner = "Trend";
     unless ($Features{'Virus:TREND'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: TREND Filescanner or Interscan  not installed on this system");
 	return (wantarray ? (1, 'not-installed', 'tempfail') : 1);
@@ -3788,6 +3817,7 @@
 #  Runs the NVCC Anti-Virus program. (
 sub entity_contains_virus_nvcc ($) {
+    $VirusScanner = "NVCC";
     unless($Features{'Virus:NVCC'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: Norman Virus Control (NVCC) not installed on this system");
@@ -3829,6 +3859,7 @@
 #  (
 sub message_contains_virus_nvcc () {
+    $VirusScanner = "NVCC";
     unless($Features{'Virus:NVCC'}) {
 	md_syslog('err', "$MsgID: Norman Virus Control (NVCC) not installed on this system");
@@ -3877,6 +3908,7 @@
 #  on the entity.
 sub entity_contains_virus_sophie ($;$) {
+    $VirusScanner = "Sophie";
     my ($entity) = shift;
     my ($sophie_sock) = $SophieSock;
     $sophie_sock = shift if (@_ > 0);
@@ -3946,6 +3978,7 @@
 #  on the entire message.
 sub message_contains_virus_sophie (;$) {
+    $VirusScanner = "Sophie";
     my ($sophie_sock) = $SophieSock;
     $sophie_sock = shift if (@_ > 0);
     $sophie_sock = "/var/spool/MIMEDefang/sophie" if (!defined($sophie_sock));
@@ -4005,6 +4038,7 @@
 #  on the entity.
 sub entity_contains_virus_clamd ($;$) {
+    $VirusScanner = "CLAMD";
     my ($entity) = shift;
     my ($clamd_sock) = $ClamdSock;
     $clamd_sock = shift if (@_ > 0);
@@ -4061,6 +4095,7 @@
 #  on the entire message.
 sub message_contains_virus_clamd (;$) {
+    $VirusScanner = "CLAMD";
     my ($clamd_sock) = $ClamdSock;
     $clamd_sock = shift if (@_ > 0);
     $clamd_sock = "/var/spool/MIMEDefang/clamd.sock" if (!defined($clamd_sock));
@@ -4128,6 +4163,7 @@
 #  on the entity.
 sub entity_contains_virus_trophie ($;$) {
+    $VirusScanner = "Trohpie";
     my ($entity) = shift;
     my ($trophie_sock) = $TrophieSock;
     $trophie_sock = shift if (@_ > 0);
@@ -4179,6 +4215,7 @@
 #  on the entire message.
 sub message_contains_virus_trophie (;$) {
+    $VirusScanner = "Trophie";
     my ($trophie_sock) = $TrophieSock;
     $trophie_sock = shift if (@_ > 0);
     $trophie_sock = "/var/spool/MIMEDefang/trophie" if (!defined($trophie_sock));
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