On Tue, 11 May 2004, Andrew Jayes wrote:

> I do take your point and agree with you. But I am also aware that a
> most of our mail comes from the general public and small companies
> that do not have much in the way of anti-virus know how. In these
> instances it would be nice to inform them to check their systems.

No, it's a terrible idea.  We routinely get 5-10 of these "polite"
messages per day.  Our Bayesian filters are trained up to reject them,
because they're absolutely useless.  (We do not run Windows.)

> Also
> if I can inform the sender that the message has not reached us, it
> saves me some earache a week later when they phone to complain that I
> haven't replied.

Then use action_bounce to return a 5xx SMTP failure code.


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