Philip Prindeville wrote:

>> From Perl?  But the whole thing's pretty silly anyway -- unless your
>> server is very unusual, you can hard-code its IP address(es) in your
>> filter.

> (1) it makes it turn-key so that neophytes can use it more easily;

Neophytes shouldn't attempt to use MIMEDefang.  Anything that pretends
to make MIMEDefang usable by neophytes is a bug, not a feature, IMO. :-)

> (2) you can run the same config on a cluster of servers unmodified;

On a server whos IP address does not change, you can extract it in
filter_initialize.  It's only invoked once per slave, so the performance
overhead is negligible.

> (3) mobile users with dynDNS can use it.

Users on dynDNS are likely doing so little e-mail traffice that the
performance hit of running ifconfig per message isn't an issue.


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