David F. Skoll wrote:

Neophytes shouldn't attempt to use MIMEDefang.  Anything that pretends
to make MIMEDefang usable by neophytes is a bug, not a feature, IMO. :-)

Well, you can know something about email, even Perl scripting, and not know
of a better way to get IP addresses than grepping out "ifconfig -a" ...

(2) you can run the same config on a cluster of servers unmodified;

On a server whos IP address does not change, you can extract it in
filter_initialize.  It's only invoked once per slave, so the performance
overhead is negligible.

We're talking crossed purposes. I'm saying that embedding the address explicitly into the config means that you can't have an identical config running on a pool
of mail servers.

You're saying that the overhead of determining the address once at startup is

Both are true, but unrelated.

(3) mobile users with dynDNS can use it.

Users on dynDNS are likely doing so little e-mail traffice that the
performance hit of running ifconfig per message isn't an issue.

Probably, but it's still a cooler way of figuring it out.  ;-)


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