Draconian?  Yeah probably...

I agree there's a lot of spam generated within the US, but I can filter
out Canada!  ;)  In my instance, I get a ton of foreign (outside the US)
mail and 99% of it is spam.  This methodology ultimately helps me cut
down the "noise."  Besides, if I do need to allow foreign mail inside, I
can either whitelist the address/domain or allow the entire country in.

I guess the moral here is: your mileage may vary.

-- Dave

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David
F. Skoll
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2006 9:31 AM
To: mimedefang@lists.roaringpenguin.com
Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] Adding support for learning our addresses

David Nelson wrote:

> I subscribe to ip2location.com, which provides geolocation services by
> IP address.  The info is downloaded on nightly from their web servers
> and put into a database.  I check the IP addresses contained in the
> message against the database and if it's from a foreign country, I
> it.

Isn't that a little draconian?  After all, most spam originates in the
and Canada.  (And we couldn't possibly implement such a policy; about
of our customers and 95% of our revenue are from a "foreign country."

You can also get a free (but probably less accurate) database mapping IP
address to country from http://ip-to-country.webhosting.info/
We use it on our Web site; if someone fills in a form claiming to be
from Canada, but their IP address says Moldova, we treat the request
a little extra skepticism.


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