
I fear you've gone over my head with this comment.  Is there an easy fix you
can point me in the direction and I can look at changing it?

I've looked at the current source code as of 1:51PM and I show that
leave_helper_run_mode is in DNS.pm and Reporter.pm has a stub function for
it as well.

Would adding a stub function like Report.pm has into PerMsgStatus.pm point
this function to DNS alleviate your concerns?


> Martin Blapp wrote:
> >>    package Mail::SpamAssassin::Dns;
> >>    1;
> >>    package Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus;
> > I see. What is the impact of this ? Return value always true ?
> The impact of this is that if you're looking for the definition of
> the subroutine Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus::leave_helper_run_mode,
> you can tear your hair out looking in PerMsgStatus.pm only to discover
> that it *actually* lives in Dns.pm.
> The impact is unmaintainable code, frustration, and irritation. :-)

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