This is WAAAAY off-topic, but I was wondering what others opinions were of this. I sat in on a security lecture given by a very reputable speaker. Every aspect of security was touched upon, but the rising issue of phishing really caught my attention. I could never figure out why people would ever attempt to send one of these and what they would do with the information. Isn't it likely to be caught?

He went on to explain that people who extract this information from users have no intention to use it themselves, but to sell it to someone else and I guess about $20.00 a Social Security number is the going rate.

Not that I would necessarily condone this type of activity, but with the amount of spam/spyware/adware/phishing attempts I see in a day, wouldn't be a really interesting project to do something like this? Set up a database somewhere that had all of the current phishing websites locations and the form fields asking for input. Then, create a network of computers like SETI, where nice home users run a program on their computer that will take idle cycles and put false usernames and passwords to these sites. If enough people participated, the data collected by the phishers would be so bad, noone would ever buy it. Noone could possibly verify every entry, either.

Sounds like something out of a movie, but man would it be cool to do something like this. I figured you guys would be the best to ask because you are the one's who see the most of this going on (along with the S/A users). I even seriously doubt an attempt at this would thwart the phishers... They'll just move faster and get more creative, but we can dream, right?


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