On Thu, 2006-04-06 at 15:23, John Nemeth wrote:

>      The flip side to this is that the day when people are held
> responsible for not securing their servers and allowing them to be used
> to attack others is probably not very far off.  I can see this be
> similar to "attractive nuisance" laws.

I always wonder what things would be like today if the blame
for the original 1987 internet worm had been placed on the
vendor who sold the vulnerable software instead of pretending
that everyone on the network could be expected to be
honest and friendly.   It might have been painful for a
short time as the problems were cleaned up, but then another
vendor would not have been able to flood the world with
software with no consideration about security at all.

In any case it shouldn't be left as a problem for the
end user to fix their software distribution.

  Les Mikesell

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