On 20 Apr 2006 at 8:26, Cormack, Ken wrote:

> > What version of SpamAssassin are you running?  If it's 3.1.1, you 
> > might try running sa-update.  I was pleasantly surprised to see a 
> > bunch of new rules in 80_additional.cf (most of them seem to start 
> > with "TVD_") which detect these messages quite handily, kicking the 
> > score above our reject threshold of 10.
> Yes, I'm running 3.1.1.  Yours is an excellent idea, Nels.  (I didn't know
> about the sa-update command).

Hm... on second glance, it would appear that SA called via MD isn't 
picking up the extra rules--my testing was done with command-line 

As far as I can tell, SA *should* treat 
/var/lib/spamassassin/[version] as a system rules directory akin to 
/usr/share/spamassassin... I can't see anywhere in mimedefang.pl 
where this would be overridden.

I'll have a look at the SA source and see if I can see some 
difference in the rules path setup when calling Mail::SpamAssassin 

Nels Lindquist <*>
Information Systems Manager
Morningstar Air Express Inc.

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