netguy wrote:
Receintly I updated DNS for a few domains. My registrar gives the option of assigning an IP addy for domain.tld without having an alias: mail.domain.tld Ok, says I, lets give it a go. Bam! Slam, Spam started invading my privacy. This leads me to believe either: 1. Mail ( spam ) in this case is being sent to domain names without doing MX lookups.

Yep. Spamware will certainly blindly open a connection to port 25 on <domain.tld>, rather than sorting through MX records. Personally, I think it's "better" to have that A record in place, spam notwithstanding.

Garbage is spewed out to <dictionary words>@<domain.tld> - for a time, it looked to me as if some ratware was actually literally iterating through ALL possible usernames composed of a-z and 0-9. If you've got a catch-all address, you may want to rethink that. If you're running MIMEDefang, you may want to look into fleshing out filter_recipient().

NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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