On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 08:57:53AM -0400, Jason Bertoch wrote:
> >If I'm not mistaken, even properly configured MTAs will revert to the A
> >record of a domain of there are no MX records available. (although I
> That is known as the implicit MX and is held over from before the MX
> resource record existed.  However, in my opinion, it has long outlived
> it's usefulness and now poses issues when a domain really doesn't want

Our domain name has an A record (two, actually), and those hosts have
not been accepting connections on port 25 for at least 4 years now. I've
only seen one single complaint about that, from someone who used such
incredibly archaic software that it was unable to lookup MX records, and
we resolved that situation by laughing incredibly hard in this person's
direction, upon which he or she shamefully fixed the software in question.

In short: you need not be concerned about legal connections to your
A record when you also publish MX records.

Jan-Pieter Cornet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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