On 15 May 2006 at 12:06, Kelson wrote:

> > No, it's because it's not "store.domain.tld" (where you buy stuff from 
> > the company) or "support.domain.tld" (where they provide support info), 
> > etc.
> I'm not talking about www vs. other hostnames -- I'm talking about www 
> vs. the plain domain name.
> You could just as easily have "domain.tld" be the main website for the 
> domain and "support.domain.tld" and "store.domain.tld" be alternate 
> websites.  Whether the default is "www.domain.tld" or "domain.tld" has 
> no impact on this at all.

Well, you obviously want *both* to be answered by the same machine.  
Historically, it's "www".  It really is just for the sake of lazy users 
(and marketing departments) that domains need to have the bare domain 
also pointing to the default web site (or a re-direct site).

Jeff Rife |  
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