On Fri, 2006-09-22 at 20:32, John Rudd wrote:
> Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
> >
> >> By "strict interpretation", I mean "enforce all of these as MUST 
> >> directives, instead of mere SHOULD directives/suggestions".
> >
> > I disagree with this statement but would like to have you review the 
> > code I'm about to post.  RFC's use MUST/SHOULD on purpose and you must 
> > not reinterpet the should's as must's just because you like it better ;-)
> Actually, given what SHOULD means (that those who fail to obey them 
> should fully consider the consequences of that action), and the text of 
> the RFC that I quoted (which warns that failure to comply could result 
> in service rejections), it's perfectly reasonable for a site to make 
> those recommendations into requirements for service (which is all I was 
> indicating).

If a SHOULD could be interpreted as a requirement, there
wouldn't be any MUST's.

  Les Mikesell

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