Jan-Pieter Cornet wrote:

> If you have a domain, like, example.com, to contact in abuse
> cases (eg as learned from reverse DNS), just do a DNS query for
> "example.com.contacts.abuse.net": TXT records are contact addresses, A
> records list the number of contacts, and HINFO tells you if the contact
> is actually listed ("lookup") or if it just returns you the default
> record ("default"). If you get the default it's likely best to fall
> back to WHOIS info.

Ooh!  I didn't know about that.  However, we use only the IP address
of the sending host to file abuse reports.  (For example, if spam
purportedly from "xs4all.nl" is relayed from, we'll do a
WHOIS on the IP address to find the responsible person.  We won't
bother xs4all.nl. :-))

Nevertheless, if a sending relay has a PTR record, it might be worthwhile
doing a contacts.abuse.net on the domain portion of the PTR.



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