Ben Kamen wrote:

> What's people's take on just blocking port:25 altogether at this point?
> We have 587 for submission and that's what I use exclusively for me.

On the one hand:  YES!  Great idea!

On the other hand: NO! Terrible idea!

For *most* people, it's a great idea.  I think ISPs should block port
25 by default and insist on authenticated submission.

However, my equipment tends to be more reliable than that of my ISPs,
so I don't want to rely on the availability of their SMTP server if I
need to send mail.

I would be willing to pay a (small) monthly premium not to have port
25 blocked.  I'd also be willing to pay a reasonable bond (let's say
in the $500 to $1000 range) that gets forfeited if it is proven I've
abused my port-25 privilege and sent spam.  (The standard of proof
would have to be reasonable, though; I wouldn't want to lose the bond
because someone forgot he subscribed to the MIMEDefang list. :-))


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