On Sat, 7 Nov 2009, jef moskot wrote:
The problem leaves this evidence in /var/log/maillog

Nov  7 23:45:30 phantom mimedefang-multiplexor[936]: Starting slave 1 (pid  
1238) (1 running): Bringing slaves up to minSlaves (2)
Nov  7 23:45:30 phantom mimedefang-multiplexor[936]: Slave 1 stderr: Out of 
memory during request for 4088 bytes, total sbrk() is 9553920 bytes!
Nov  7 23:45:30 phantom mimedefang-multiplexor[936]: Slave 1 stderr: Out of 
memory during request for 48 bytes, total sbrk() is 9553920 bytes!
Nov  7 23:45:30 phantom mimedefang-multiplexor[936]: Reap: slave 1 (pid 1238) 
exited due to signal 11 (SLAVE DIED UNEXPECTEDLY)
Nov  7 23:45:30 phantom mimedefang-multiplexor[936]: Slave 1 resource usage: 
req=0, scans=0, user=0.092, sys=0.056, nswap=0, majflt=0, minflt=3101, 
maxrss=13432, bi=5, bo=18

OK, this is might be blindingly obvious to you all (or a curiosity of FreeBSD, I dunno), but I've just discovered the world of rcorder with its mysterious PROVIDE/REQUIRE/BEFORE/KEYWORD magic.

The default setup for mimedefang.sh in /usr/local/etc/rc.d is

# PROVIDE: mimedefang
# BEFORE: mail
# KEYWORD: shutdown

PROVIDE and KEYWORD seem to be no-brainers, but what would the error above indicate mimedefang wants that it doesn't yet have?

Maybe not all the CPUs are fired up yet?  Or it doesn't have swap space?

Is mimedefang unhappy if the sendmail daemon is not yet running when it tries to start?

To recap, upon reboot, mimedefang continually pukes out error messages like the ones listed above until the process is manually stopped and restarted. After that, it works just fine.

Sorry if I'm dipping into the realm of port creation, but the maintainer for the FreeBSD port takes ages to respond, and if this is potentially something simple, I thought I'd ask you guys first (and then pass on whatever we learn to the maintainer).


Jeffrey Moskot
System Administrator
NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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