On 2/17/2010 12:05 PM, David F. Skoll wrote:

Because running pine over SSH is not a "gateway" as defined in RFC
5321, whereas running a Webmail server that accepts email using some
kind of transport (HTTP or HTTPS) and then delivers it using SMTP *is*
a gateway as defined in RFC 5321.

Sorry, but a web interface isn't an email gateway.

Transmitting an email via HTTP from a client computer qualifies
as gatewaying by my reading of the RFC.

That means you have to think my web browser is also an email gateway. I don't see any reason to think it is more than a display transport.

The application running email isn't where the web interface displays
it any more than it would be if you display thunderbird in a remote
X session.

No, that's not correct at all.  Using HTTP as a transport protocol
for email is quite different from using the X protocol to draw pixels
on a remote display.

How so? X does more than draw pixels, but neither X nor http know anything about email or the contents of what they transport. That's all up to the application at the other end - and it's why they are both so useful.

But the RFC says nothing about remote displays and remote application
acccess, whether provided by ssh, X, or http(s).

The RFC defines a gateway as:

    A "gateway" SMTP system (usually referred to just as a "gateway")
    receives mail from a client system in one transport environment and
    transmits it to a server system in another transport environment.

This describes webmail exactly.  You type your email into a form in the
Web browser which transmits it over HTTP to the server.  That's the
server "receiving mail from a client system".

The browser displays a form, but only the application at the other end knows anything about the contents being mail. Which is exactly the same scenario as if I typed it into thunderbird in a remote X window.

  Les Mikesell
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