On 2012-07-16 3:03 PM, David F. Skoll wrote:
On Sat, 14 Jul 2012 22:31:05 -0500
Ben Kamen <bka...@cornelius.benjammin.net> wrote:

So I'd like to do DKIM now and I see where I do the signing part in
sendmail -- but was curious what the best way to do it with
mime-defang was -- through SpamAssassin (and then add checks in MD or
let SA do all the work?)

We use Mail::DKIM directly from MIMEDefang to sign messages.

Erm, so if you would please elaborate a little further...

If I send a message through my server (sendmail) via port 465/587 through the 
sendmail MSA... how does this affect signing of messages through sendmail's 

I haven't looked lately, but IIRC, mimedefang does scan outgoing email 
(although I wish it didn't I just never looked up how to disable it)

Which one would I be better off using for outbound email? Sendmail or 

 However, for verification purposes (if you're
not using CanIt) it's probably easiest just to use SpamAssassin's built-in

Ok, that's what I needed to know on that end..

Thanks David!


Ben Kamen - O.D.T., S.P.
eMail: b...@benjammin.net                      http://www.benjammin.net
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