On Thu, 6 Feb 2014 23:11:35 -0700
Philip Prindeville <philipp_s...@redfish-solutions.com> wrote:

> > No technical reason, I suppose, but I have a giant hate-on for
> > Apple. :)
> > 
> > http://david.skoll.ca/blog/2010-05-18-anti-apple.html

> You might be shooting yourself in the foot.

Shooting *myself* in the foot?  How so?  It's not like I get any
revenue (or even bug-fixes or feedback) from MIMEDefang users on
Mac OS X.

> By making products such as Mimedefang available to the "walled
> garden" Apple users, you’re giving them a glimpse into a wider world...

I do not wish any of my work to be associated in any way with Apple.
I'm not out to "enlighten" Apple customers; I just don't want to
provide any support to Apple's platform.  Making more software
available for the Apple platform makes it more attractive, not less
attractive.  The best way to make a platform fail is for developers to
boycott it.


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