On Feb 8, 2014, at 8:33 AM, David F. Skoll <d...@roaringpenguin.com> wrote:

>>     I'm certainly not a fan of the "walled garden" which is a
>> major reason why I have an Android phone, but I'm pretty sure that
>> ship has sailed.
> That's fine.  Then what I'm doing is a quixotic indication of my core
> values.

Which is definitely your prerogative.  But if the software contains community 
contributed enhancements, fixes, etc. is that a reasonable decision to make 

What import does the will of the collective carry?

I’ve run into this scenario myself where I had a piece of software I had pretty 
much written myself and shared as OSS, but accepted fixes and enhancements.  I 
didn’t particularly want to support Windows, but I couldn’t be bothered to 
actively resist it (and some of the best contributions came from people working 
natively in Windows).

My compromise was to “partition” all Windows based support and someone else in 
the community took care of porting and compatibility issues, and would sign off 
on every new release that it either worked on Windows--or in a couple of 
instances where new functionality broke the Windows port and took more than a 
week to rework, documented the breakage so that an advisory could go into the 
release telling people to go back one version (i.e. a README.Win32 file).

It was an arrangement that I could live with, didn’t take any additional effort 
(other than some minor coordination/communication by a few emails every release 
cycle), and kept a very helpful contributor happy and motivated.

Economics being what they are, people sometimes take jobs for less than ideal 
reasons.  Myself, I’ve worked for Intel, Cisco, Microsoft, HP, Bay Networks, 
France Telecom… not all of which would have been my first choice. But a man has 
to live.

I don’t like Windows (despite having worked in the Windows kernel firewall team 
for Win7), but I’m not going to go out of my way to make life miserable for 
people who have to work with it out of necessity:  I have neither the time nor 
the energy for it. And it’s way too many people for me to paint with a broad 
brush and feel ethically justified in doing so.

And thank goodness for likeminded people: when I did work on Windows for a 
living, gcc, cygwin, and vim were my favorite tools… although ironically at the 
opposite end of the spectrum from Microsoft: they had marketshare due to being 
excellent tools, not because predatory marketing strategies had shoehorned 
anyone into having to use them.


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