
I'm a long time MIMEDefang user, but my PERL knowledge is about zero.

A long time ago I found some sample code (from a site which does not even exist anymore) and managed to adapt it to my situation.

Here it is:
        if (open(HF, "<./HEADERS")) {
            my $head = Mail::Header->new([<HF>]);
            close HF;
            md_syslog('warning',"head = %$head");
            if ($head) {
                my @recheads = Mail::Field->extract('Received',$head);
                md_syslog('warning',"RecHeads = %@recheads");
                foreach my $rechead (@recheads) {

The purpose is to extract Received fields, so to reconstruct the path a message underwent from server to server. It has worked 99.99% of the times for years; lately, however it fails on some very frequent spam messages and I have a hard time understanding why.

So, I'm asking for help from someone who knows PERL.

Are Mail::Header and Mail::Field still current? Or are they obsolete? If so, what should be used as a replacement?

For these messages, I see in the logs:
mimedefang.pl[23042]: 0AP2jef2000844: head = %Mail::Header=HASH(0x1fe80ae0)
mimedefang.pl[23042]: 0AP2jef2000844: RecHeads = %

So it seems Mail::Header parsed the message, but either found no Received header (and they are there!) or it's Mail::Field that fails.
How would I log more data to know what's going on?

I tried adding:
            foreach $key (keys %$head)
                md_syslog('warning',"$key is $head{$key}");
Alas, only the keys are printed, not the values.

Any hint?

 bye & Thanks

P.S. I'm using PERL 5.32.0.
NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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