We used this to create an array of header information:

if (open(IN, '<', './HEADERS')) {
        while(<IN>) {
            if (/^(\S+):\s*(.*)/) {
                my $label = $1;
                my $data  = $2;
                $label = lc($label);
                $Header{$label} = $data;
                if ($label eq 'received') {

So following this, if for example we want to test the From: header, we
check $Header{'from'}
Received: was handled specially. It could end up an empty list. I
don't think we checked for that!

Hmm... If HEADERS was not there (??) it fails silently and
$Header{'anything'} is empty. The rest of filter still works,
but maybe we should have logged that case.

Joseph Brennan
Lead, Email and Systems Applications
Columbia University Information Technology
NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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