Hello all,

pythonOCC mailing list is back after a few days of unavailablity.

Since my last post on the list, pythonOCC 1.0pre2 was released. The 
roadmap for 1.0 release is now:

- find and fix bugs,
- extend the InteractiveViewer (contributed by Andy Haywood) features. 
It's now possible, for instance, to load a python script from the 
File/Menu options. I currently work on a DrawText method,
- provide a few more sample scripts,
- port pythonOCC to Linux and build a .deb package. I'm not a Linux 
expert, but I work on a Ubuntu 8.04 VirtualBox image and already adapted 
the code so that SWIG files can be generated on Linux. I still face 
compilation issues. Any help related to this subject is welcome.

pythonOCC 1.0 will demonstrate the feasability of these two key points:
- provide a easy to learn/use/debug/prototype OpenCascade development 
- develop OpenCascade portable applications since the python code can be 
run either on Windows or Linux.

It then will be time to think about the future of the project.

Best regards,

Thomas Paviot

Minerva-pythonocc mailing list

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