On 3/20/08, David Cleaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone,

> I would like to start using mingw-w64, but am unsure of what to do.

Emailing here is a good start :)

> I've just downloaded the latest mingw-w64-bin-x86_64-mingw_20080320.tar.bz2 
> and extracted
> it to its own folder "c:\mw64".  I'm running Windows XP 64-bit edition and 
> would
> like to build 64-bit windows binaries.  I'd like to build gmp (and maybe 
> someday
> mpfr, but that's secondary) and then other projects that depend on gmp.  I'm a
> bit lost and I've got a lot of questions, so I guess I'll get started:
> 1) Do I need to add "c:\mw64\bin" to my path?

Yup.  I'd put it first, too:  PATH=C:\mw64\bin;%PATH%

> 2) Are there any additional folders that I need to add to my path?

Not that I know of.

> 3) Do I need to run this inside of msys or cygwin for it to work? Or will
> running it inside the windows 64-bit command prompt suffice? (with the right
> path(s) in place)

Running it in cygwin should fail, actually, because this binary
expects paths to be in Windows format (C:\...)  Using cmd.exe should
work just fine.

> 4) Why is "c:\mw64\bin\gcc.exe" a 0 byte file?

Erm..  because I made a big mistake?  Or maybe you did when extracting it :)

I really have to remember to use "-h" when making that tar file.  If
you use a real tar program and not winrar, it should work fine.  You
can use cygwin to extract it, or gnulib's tar, or some other tar
program.  With the next snapshot I make, I'll try to tar it better.

> 5) Do I need to make a shortcut (or similar?) to point that gcc.exe to
> "c:\mw64\bin\x86_64-pc-mingw32-gcc-4.4.0.exe"?


> 6) Why is c:\mw64\bin\x86_64-pc-mingw32-gcc.exe a 0 byte file?

See above.

> 7) Why are all the files in C:\mw64\x86_64-pc-mingw32\bin 0 byte files?

See above.

> 8) With several bin, include, and lib folders, do I need to put any or all in 
> my
> path, or maybe: once I've put the correct bin in my path, the tools will find
> the appropriate lib/include that they need?

The binary should find the libraries automatically relative to where
it;s installed..

> Well, that should get me started.  ;)  Thanks to anyone who would like to 
> tackle
> these amateur-ish questions.

They're not amateur at all.  They're actually a good indicator for me
for mistakes that I'm making :) :)

Thanks for the feedback!

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