Hello Kia,

  Thanks for applying ;-)

  I found some time to think about the remaining problems, which you were unable
to push upstream like float.h, stddef.h header clash between mingw-w64-crt and
gcc or making -mms-bitfields default. IMHO I would be best to maintain a small
set of patches to gcc, which should be applied to a gcc tarball before building.

  This solution is not very elegant, but it might help to convince the gcc
developers, that a patch, which is useful to many users should be applied to the
mainline dispite all concerns...


Kai Tietz schrieb:
> Hello Wolfgang,
> 2009/10/3 Wolfgang Glas <wolfgang.g...@ev-i.at>:
>> Hi all,
>>  We have recently compiled a Win32-app using mingw-w64, which uses the WIA
>> (Windows Image Acquisition) API. The headder files in mingw-w64-headers are 
>> fine
>> and the app compiled without any flaws.
>>  However, UUIDs for the WIA interfaces et al. are missing in lbuuid.a, so we
>> gathered them and made an addition to libuuid.a
>>  So, I'd like the attached source file to be integrated in 
>> mingw-w64-crt/libsrc
>> (don't forget to add the file to Makefile.am...).
>>  TIA, Wolfgang
> Thanks for the patch. Some of those GUIDs are missing, so we are glad
> about any updates here.
> I applied it to trunk and branch at revision1445 & 1446.
> Cheers,
> Kai

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