On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Ozkan Sezer <seze...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 8:00 PM, NightStrike <nightstr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 12:54 PM, Ozkan Sezer <seze...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 5:22 PM, Kai Tietz <ktiet...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello Wolfgang,
>>>> 2009/10/4 Wolfgang Glas <wolfgang.g...@ev-i.at>:
>>>>> Hello Kia,
>>>>>  Thanks for applying ;-)
>>>>>  I found some time to think about the remaining problems, which you were 
>>>>> unable
>>>>> to push upstream like float.h, stddef.h header clash between 
>>>>> mingw-w64-crt and
>>>>> gcc or making -mms-bitfields default. IMHO I would be best to maintain a 
>>>>> small
>>>>> set of patches to gcc, which should be applied to a gcc tarball before 
>>>>> building.
>>>>>  This solution is not very elegant, but it might help to convince the gcc
>>>>> developers, that a patch, which is useful to many users should be applied 
>>>>> to the
>>>>> mainline dispite all concerns...
>>>> To prepare such a patch and provide it as optional could be a way to
>>>> solve this. But the experience has shown that such patches don't
>>>> getting applied to mainline. So I have here some concerns about such a
>>>> approach.
>>>> Kai
>>>> --
>>>> |  (\_/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste
>>>> | (='.'=) Bunny into your signature to help
>>>> | (")_(") him gain world domination
>>> Another way would be adding a mingw_branch to gcc branches svn.
>>> Patches even applied upstream are being neglected and does not
>>> get reviewed for backporting to 4.4-stable by the maintainers
>>> these days.  So, it may serve both for such backports, as well
>>> as for features which are being approached with reservations,
>>> such as stddef.h & co.
>> Creating our own gcc branch to support backports is definitely not
>> where we want to go.  If someone goes through the trouble of
>> backporting, the patches do get accepted.  It's just that people
>> generally don't do it.  If you can find the time to put ti into some
>> mingw special gcc branch, then it can go into 4.4 upstream.
> See:
> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2009-09/msg02202.html
> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2009-10/msg00317.html
> .. and remember that 4.4 is frozen at RC state.

I didn't say it would be instant :)

>> We do NOT want to be like mingw.org in this area -- **at all**.
> Read what I said.  I suggesed a branch at gcc.gnu.org.  If
> you don't like that, either, well, I disagree.

Yes, I realize that.  But a release branch at gcc is really not the
way to go with this.  The real issue is in restoring our connections
so that things are addressed in a timely fashion.

Having two separate release branches, one that's special cased to a
specific subset of targets, is just creating more dichotomy where it
need not exist.

Now that I am back, I will talk to the gcc maintainers to try to
address the real underlying issue.

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