On 5/4/2010 02:02, Kai Tietz wrote:
> Hello John,
> 2010/5/3 John E. / TDM<tdra...@tdragon.net>:
>> MinGW-w64 developers,
>> I'm planning to introduce a set of binary packages based on GCC for
>> x86_64-w64-mingw32 and the MinGW-w64 runtime into the TDM-GCC compiler
>> suite. More info about TDM-GCC is available at
>> <http://www.tdragon.net/recentgcc/>, but in essence it's GCC for
>> Windows, based on MinGW (and soon MinGW-w64), with a release schedule
>> following GCC's formal releases, packaged in an NSIS installer/updater.
> Fine, we will enjoy this and I agree on your scheduling plan for f
>> I'd prefer to avoid duplicating patches and bug reports as much as
>> possible, so I plan to direct users to the MinGW-w64 trackers for these
>> purposes. Are you amenable to this? My documentation would include the
>> following language:
>>> BUGS:
>>> Please do *not* report bugs in this edition of TDM-GCC to the standard
>>> MinGW
>>> (32) mailing list or forums.
>>> If you encounter any bugs with this edition of TDM-GCC, it is likely
>>> that they
>>> will be inherent to the x86_64-w64-mingw32 GCC target or to the MinGW-w64
>>> runtime API. As such, you are encouraged to report bugs to the tracker
>>> for the
>>> MinGW-w64 project on SourceForge
>>> (<http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=202880&atid=983354>). Once
>>> the issue
>>> has been fixed in the mingw-w64 runtime or in GCC, file a feature
>>> request on the
>>> TDM-GCC tracker
>>> (<http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=200665&atid=974442>)
>>> to update to the fixed version.
>>> Support for the x86_64-w64-mingw32 GCC target, as well as for any
>>> incompatibilities in its runtime API, is provided where possible by the
>>> MinGW-w64 project. The MinGW-w64 project provides multiple venues for
>>> support
>>> including a mailing list, an IRC channel, a web-based discussion forum on
>>> SourceForge, and a web-based issue tracker on SourceForge.
>>> For more information about MinGW-w64, see the project's home page at
>>> <http://mingw-w64.sourceforge.net/>.
>> Let me know if there's anything you'd prefer I change, or any further
>> considerations.
> Yes, it makes in general no sense to duplicate bug-reports at many
> places. Additional any bug-fixes and new features are most welcome,
> too. Yes please direct users to our bug-tracker on SF. Please let us
> know, if your toolchains will contain specific patches, which aren't
> part of the vanilla source, as we can then provide users better
> support. Additional you can tell users to contact us for general
> question on our IRC-channel, too.

Hi John,

do mention the mingw-w64-public mailing list too.

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