2013/11/19 Ruben Van Boxem <vanboxem.ru...@gmail.com>

> 2013/11/18 Alexey Pavlov <alex...@gmail.com>
>> 2013/11/18 Jon <jon.for...@gmail.com>
>>> Reasons why the following in a 32bit MSYS2's /etc/pacman.conf is an
>>> awful idea?
>>>   [mingw]
>>>   #Server =
>>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/msys2/files/REPOS/MINGW/$arch
>>>   Server =
>>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/msys2/files/REPOS/MINGW/x86_64
>> $arch specify MSYS architecture
>> This is my experimental repo and I prefer to not install any mingw
>> packages from here while I done it.
>>> I don't believe there are any MSYS2 32bit exes or DLLs attempting to
>>> pull in 64bit DLLs from the mingw repo.
>>> I'm just experimenting at the moment, but I want you understand if/how
>>> MSYS2 will allow mixed configurations or require something like
>>> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Multilib
>>> MSYS has not support for multilib.
>> Now I'm working on creating mingw toolchains that can be installed via
>> pacman.
>> I already create two separate bat files in msys root - mingw32_shell and
>> mingw64_shell that switch PATH variable to support mingw toolchains.
>> I will install mingw toolchains into /mingw32 and /mingw64 folders. And
>> they do not conflict in this case.
>> When you run mingw32_shell then PATH=/mingw32/bin:$PATH
> Tiny hint on this: why not install them in the usual /usr/[bin,<target>]?
> and use symlinks to switch between the two as unprefixed "gcc". Additional
> bonus: you can use the many Arch PKGBUILDs (nearly?) unmodified to provide
> a ton of 3rd party libraries. Just a thought ;-)
/usr on MSYS2 is mounted to /
and there are no difference between /bin and /usr/bin. I'm modify makepkg
and makepkg.conf to support mingw targets. Also I prefer to split packages
to binaries, development files, documentation and so on rather then just
pack all in one archive.
Also MSYS2 in default config doesn't support creating symlinks. You can
enable native windows symlinks but they need special privileges and you
need to start msys from admin account.

>>> On one hand, it might be nice to be able have a single MSYS2 install (32
>>> or 64bit) drive EITHER a 32bit OR 64bit toolchain with a switcher script.
>>> Essentially, enable multilib builds at a higher level than gcc's `-m32` and
>>> `-m64` option level.
>>> I don't plan to provide multilib mingw toolchains for msys repository.
>> You can create your own repo and do what you want) But I add support to
>> install both 32 and 64 bit mingw toolchains in one msys in few days I think.
> Multilib is indeed a mess from a packaging standpoint. I chose not to go
> that direction with my Arch stuff. You can check the PKGBUILDs in the AUR
> to see how easy it is to get stuff built, installed, and working in a
> streamlined way.
> Cheers,
> Ruben
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