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On 29.04.2014 11:31, Ruben Van Boxem wrote:
> On 2014-04-29 8:49 GMT+02:00 Rodny:
>> JonY writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> mingw-w64 may migrate from svn to git in the future, seeing that sf 
>>> can now do multiple repos per project.
>>> Structure wise, everything under trunk will still stay together in the
>>> new repo, but any externals, /experimental/* and /web may move into
>>> its own repo.
>>> Discuss.
>> Another practical concern -- do we now have to checkout your entire 
>> repository just to get one revision?  git lets you get All or Head. What
>> about  the equivalent of 1234?  Will you provide documentation for users
>> like us to adapt to this new model?  Or are we stuck?
> Google "git for subversion users". There's a ton of migration help for you
> and everyone. There are no hard numbered revisions, instead, there's 
> branches and tags and commit hashes, which offer the same flexibility.
> There are things like a shallow clone (see "git clone --depth=N"), which 
> allows you to checkout the latest N commits. Note a git clone is often 
> smaller than the equivalent svn checkout, because git compacts the commit
>  history quite efficiently. See the previous mails about repo sizes.

He's right on this one. Just yesterday i was frustrated when i couldn't
download a *particular* revision of binutils to build. Shallow clones, as
mentioned, give you "HEAD or something near HEAD" or a tagged commit. Usually
i work around it by abusing the snapshot feature of a particular repo, but
sourceware had that disabled. AND their snapshot tarballs on ftp are rolling
(meaning i can't just download a particular snapshot that way either, they
change over time).

That said, this just breaks the use-case when you have to work with a
particular revision of upstream for the first time.
If you need a tag or the HEAD - it's fine, since shallow clones help.
If you've done this before - also fine, since you have the repo clone, and
just need to update and checkout to the commit you need.

And since we're speaking of revisions, for the record, it should be possible
to emulate incremental revision numbers in git, as long as master is kept 

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