On Saturday 27 April 2024 22:47:33 LIU Hao wrote:
> The difference arises when building a DLL with this DEF file:
>   * `foo = bar` (aliasing) indicates that a function called `bar` exists in 
> the
>     DLL's source code, and it is exported both as `foo` and `bar`. In the 
> case of
>     x86 stdcall, both `foo` and `bar` shall include an `@` suffix.

I did an another experiment for building a DLL library:

$ cat test.def
LIBRARY "test.dll"
foo = bar

$ cat test.c
void bar(void) { }

$ i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -shared test.c test.def -o test.dll

$ readpe -e test.dll
Exported functions
        Name:                            test.dll
                Ordinal:                         1
                Address:                         0x1410
                Name:                            foo

So this shows that only symbol "foo" is exported. There is exported "bar".

>   * `foo == bar` (renaming) indicates that a function called `foo` exists in 
> the
>     DLL's source code, and it is exported as `bar`. `bar` may and may not 
> contain
>     an `@` suffix, as the use varies.


$ cat test.def
LIBRARY "test.dll"
foo == bar

$ cat test.c
void foo(void) { }

$ i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -shared test.c test.def -o test.dll

$ readpe -e test.dll
Exported functions
        Name:                            test.dll
                Ordinal:                         1
                Address:                         0x1410
                Name:                            bar

And there is only bar exported. When function is source code is named as
"bar" (like in the first example) then linker throws error:

i686-w64-mingw32-ld: cannot export foo: symbol not defined
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

So based on these experiments when building library, I can conclude that:

  X = Y

is the same as:

  Y == X

and it means that function named X in the source code is present in the
result DLL library under name Y.

So `foo = bar` is also renaming of the symbol, and not aliasing.

For completeness, what happens when both = and == are used at the same line:

$ cat test.def
LIBRARY "test.dll"
foo = func == bar

$ cat test.c
void func(void) { }

$ i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -shared test.c test.def -o test.dll

$ readpe -e test.dll
Exported functions
        Name:                            test.dll
                Ordinal:                         1
                Address:                         0x1410
                Name:                            bar

So line "X = Y == Z" has same meaning as "Y == Z" and so same as "Z = X".

Such logic does not make sense for me, but whatever. It shows that
documentation is incomplete and ambiguous.

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