
actually make that:

opendir(dist/binaries/beos): Permission denied
opendir(systems): Permission denied
send_files failed to open 
//dist/binaries/aix/apache_1.3.14-000964804C00-ibm-aix4.3.README: Permission 
send_files failed to open 
//dist/binaries/aix/apache_1.3.14-000964804C00-ibm-aix4.3.tar.gz: Permission 
send_files failed to open 
Permission denied
send_files failed to open //x: Permission denied

rsync isn't deleting files because of these errors.. so if they
could be fixed asap that'd be great.  i don't really want to
get into excludes if i can help it because it starts getting very
complicated to maintain then..

does whoever looking after the site realise rsync is skipping deletes
if they put objects in there with no mirroring permissions ?


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