On Sat, 14 Oct 2000, jason andrade wrote:

> actually make that:
> opendir(dist/binaries/beos): Permission denied
> opendir(systems): Permission denied
> send_files failed to open 
> //dist/binaries/aix/apache_1.3.14-000964804C00-ibm-aix4.3.README: Permission 
> denied
> send_files failed to open 
> //dist/binaries/aix/apache_1.3.14-000964804C00-ibm-aix4.3.tar.gz: Permission 
> denied
> send_files failed to open 
> //dist/binaries/aix/apache_1.3.14-000964804C00-ibm-aix4.3.tar.gz.asc: 
> Permission denied
> send_files failed to open //x: Permission denied
> rsync isn't deleting files because of these errors.. so if they
> could be fixed asap that'd be great.  i don't really want to
> get into excludes if i can help it because it starts getting very
> complicated to maintain then..
> does whoever looking after the site realise rsync is skipping deletes
> if they put objects in there with no mirroring permissions ?

It's a mistake! Bill Stoddard or someone with root-fu should be able
to fix it pretty soon. Thanks for the heads up!

 - ask

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