What is wrong with the Apache people??
They never add my mirror to the main site!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip M. Gollucci [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: RSync Mirror Errors

Yes I am
Any great Ideas ?

Philip M. Gollucci (p6m7g8)
Web-site    : http://www.p6m7g8.com
E-mail      : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone       : 301.249.6261 (Home)
              301.314.3118 (College)
Major       : Computer Science
              Electrical Engineering
Minor       : Classical & Jazz Performance
Current Job : Science, Discovery, & the Universe Webmaster
              URL: http://www.sdu.umd.edu
Resume      : http://www.wam.umd.edu/~gollucci/resume.html

On Sun, 17 Dec 2000, Daniel Rinehart wrote:

>       Just wondering if anyone is getting similar errors when mirroring
> via RSync?
> send_files failed to open dist/apache_2.0a9.tar.Z.asc: Permission denied
> send_files failed to open dist/apache_2.0a9.tar.gz.asc: Permission denied
> -- Daniel R. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/danielr/]

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