On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, jason andrade wrote:

> On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Devendra Narayan wrote:
> > 
> >     With all these discussions about Apache mirrors, I just have this to
> > say :
> >     We can guess that there would be many types of mirror sites :
> > 
> > 1. Those who have enough disk space to mirror everything that Apache group
> >     has to offer - web documents, distributions, XML-Apache, Jakarta
> >     etc. 
> i think these would/should be the only official mirrors for the apache
> project.

I disagree. People with excess upstream bandwidth but limited disk space can
still provide a valuable service. I think it's fair to assume that Apache is
still by far the most downloaded component of the apache project. Making it
known which mirrors mirror which packages would be good though. See the RedHat
mirrors list for a possible way of presenting this data to the user.



John Donagher
Application Engineer
Intacct Corp. - Powerful Accounting on the Web
720 University Ave.
Los Gatos CA 95032

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