1) How does everyone feel about having the apache specific web site
httpd.apache.org accessible via rsync ? 
 This then would give you guys the ability to have a fully functional local
apache mirror instead of having your users forced to goto apache's server

2) Making as many of the apache projects mirrorable and having some sort of
database system on apache's main web server that maintains the following

Mirror Site
Apache Projects Housed
Country the Mirror is Housed in.
Bandwidth Connection
Version of Apache
Whether the server can handle incoming rsync for wider distribution of
apache software
Last Time Updated(If possible this would be generated by the last time the
mirror contacted apache's rsync server to get updates)

Also this question/suggestion is more aimed at the people who have access to
the apache servers and maintain the documentation project. 

3) Why don't we instead of hard-coding httpd.apache.org/docs on the main
page of httpd.apache.org just have references to the directories since they
are on the same web site. ie have /docs and /docs-2.0

Any other thoughts on how the apache mirrors can be improved are more than

I will be working on some prototype database entry screens over time


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