On Mon, 1 Oct 2001, jason andrade wrote:

> On Sun, 30 Sep 2001, Henk P. Penning wrote:
> >
> >   Isn't there someone with an ounce of brains to organise this ?
> a few of us have been asking this for more than a year now - perhaps
> not quite like that.  andrew kenna has come on board recently and
> started to help - i think that the apache group (well, brian and ask
> who seem to reply more often than most on this list) just don't have
> enough time to address this.  there appear to only be around half
> a dozen `active' mirrors in terms of commenting on the list.  does
> that mean the consensus is that the majority think the current setup
> is fine and the rest of us are wasting time debating it.

Lots of people don't comment, because the problem is a long standing one,
and we haven't seen any real reaction from the apache people to the
complaints raised here. It is beyond my understanding, how a very good and
successful open source project with the backing of firms like IBM can show
such a total incompetence in dealing with a mirror structure.
start lengthy discussions about what would be the 'optimal' way of
mirroring! Almost anything is better than the current situation!

Most importantly: HAVE SOMEONE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MIRROR, who is on list

                                 Yours: Laszlo

Laszlo L Tornoci                            Inst Pathophysiology
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]               Semmelweis Univ Med School
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Nagyvarad ter 4.
fax:    (36-1)-210-4409                     Budapest, H-1089, Hungary

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