On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Cian Davis wrote:
> Is the purpose of the mirrors to purely provide the dist/ directory or
> to provide more of the site as well?

dist/ only for the moment.  There is no point in mirroring apache-site.

> apache site? I particularily would like to provide all the httpd docs
> locally not only to take some of the load off apache.org but also as our
> University has a habit of blocking external net access for students. By
> having full mirrors of sites, we can offer constant availability of the
> information contained in the mirrors to the students.

You are very welcome to provide a website with the apache docs.  They are
available in httpd-2.0/docs/manual/ and httpd-docs-1.3/htdocs/manual/
(Those are for CVS; I think you can get them via rsync as well, but I'd
have to look up the details.)  Or you can simply download them as part of
the httpd distribution tarballs and put them up.


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