On 23.09.2004, at 09:21, Zac Shenker wrote:

Hi Erik,

Sorry its taken me a few days to reply I have been a bit busy with a few
other things. I managed to get my rsync line for the crontab setup and it is
now updating ok.

Yes, it's working fine, see http://www.apache.org/mirrors/.

Would it be possible to get the @ address for the mirror
changed to http://www.qualsec.net.

Sorry, that's not possible right now but if you can provide a logo or other artwork, we can link this to an address you desire.

Also is there any particular artwork for
mirrors to use to link to their mirror or the main site or should I use

The ASF logo is a trademark and therefore can't be used on your own pages without prior written permission from the ASF. Though, as said, you can always provide your own logo and we will inline it on the download pages. See the last paragraph on http://www.apache.org/info/how-to-mirror.html for details.


Zac Shenker
Assistant Admin

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