On 22.09.2004, at 15:54, Adam Sampson wrote:


I'm from the UK Mirror Service. We've had an Apache mirror for a while
(we ran mirror.ac.uk from 1999 until 2004 -- that domain name's now used
by the new JISC National Mirror Service, and we've moved to
mirrorservice.org), but we're not currently listed on the Apache mirror

Um, we still have http://www.mirror.ac.uk/mirror/ftp.apache.org/ and ftp://ftp.mirror.ac.uk/sites/ftp.apache.org/, see http://www.apache.org/mirrors/.

Here's the requested information:

URLs of mirror:

I have followed the recommended configuration for my mirror:
partly (we've got a custom web interface that lets users browse inside
archives, rather than using the stock Apache directory listings)

Looks basically good but I'd be happier if the interface would display the README/HEADER files instead of only pointing at them.

Another consequence of this configuration is that other relevant customizations carried in the .htaccess files are simply missing, for example the AddType directive in /httpd/binaries/win32/.htaccess: it's needed to get the correct content-type for some of the files, e.g. http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.apache.org/httpd/binaries/win32/ apache_1.3.29-win32-x86-src.msi



Adam Sampson <http://offog.org/>
The UK Mirror Service <http://www.mirrorservice.org/>

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